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Introducing: Lochinver Larder pies at Inchnadamph!

We are very excited to announce, that after months of planning, we are finally at a stage to utilise the link between us, Inchnadamph Explorers Lodge, and Lochinver Larder!

As some of you may know, John Snyder took over ownership of the Lodge at the start of June.

He is also the director of nearby Lochinver Larder – home of the best Scottish meat pie. It seemed silly to not make the most of this connection and offer a link between the two – all part of our innovation plans for the lodge.

So, with that being said, we’re happy to share that guests of the lodge are now able to utilise the “click and collect” function on the Lochinver Larder website, and get pies and beer delivered directly from the larder to the lodge – on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5pm!

What a way to make your holiday even better – return from your hike up Canisp or Beinn Uidhe, or a visit to the bone caves, and be rewarded by your favourite pies and waiting for you at the lodge, ready to be warmed, gobbled up and enjoyed with a refreshing pint! And if you won’t be in, don’t worry – our lovely team will pop them in the fridge for you until you get back!

Deliveries will commence from Friday 7th October – and remember, it’s Tuesdays and Fridays, 5pm.

Follow the link below to place your orders!


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